They have earned my business, and I truly believe they deserve yours as well!

September 28 2022

They have earned my business, and I truly believe they deserve yours as well!

Inventory is limited now as with all dealers, but service was excellent nonetheless. Staff there was friendly, responsive, knowledgeable, and most importantly ethical. When just about everyone else has been absorbed by the big corporate dealer groups, Regency remains one of the last family-owned dealers in town. They have earned my business, and I truly believe they deserve yours as well!

Other Satisfied Customers

July 16 2021

Long story short, the experience was very professional, transparent, smooth sailing and really fun! Major shoutout to Levi (product advisor), Danny (sales manager) and Ivan (delivery specialist), as they were absolutely amazing at their job. I honestly don’t think this experience and purchase...

April 04 2020

It is not the biggest car dealership store but it has a really nice vibe. I really like how seriously they took the current situation with COVID-19 into account. I felt safe and welcome the whole time I was there. I was really positively surprised by the customer service, people's personal...

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