I'm so glad to recommend Peggy Wu, Who is the best sales I have seen in the past 20 years!
December 17 2021

I'm so glad to recommend Peggy Wu, Who is the best sales I have seen in the past 20 years. She is so smart to catch the customer's point and help to solve it efficiently. It took me just 3 days to take over my new car under such a shortage of new vehicles. Tons of thanks for her and the Regency Toyota! I'm appreciate for your professional service and warm-hearted help!跟我一样新来的华人购车的话强烈推荐这家店,Peggy Wu是我的product adviser,热烈推荐一下,只要说清自己的预算和要求,她对丰田车型的熟悉程度绝对一流,别人三个月买不到的车,我见到Peggy的第三天就提车了,她对产品和客户需求的匹配能力简直无可匹敌。整个购买过程非常愉快,申请贷款只用了三个小时,签文件买保险一共一个小时,这就是我理想的购车环节!!!